Episode 85: Laura Ann Masura - Food Maven

In this episode Heather interviews Laura Ann Masura, founder of Laura Ann's Jams purveyor of artisanal jams. 

Tune-in to hear their conversation on:

"I obsessively had to can everything." - How Laura's midwest upbringing and California's perpetual fresh fruits inspired Laura to begin making jams.

"I basically opened up for an article." - After receiving the Best of LA award for her jams, Laura turned her jam making passion into an online store and wholesale business.

"I wouldn't sell anything I wouldn't eat myself." - From ingredient sourcing to family memories, what inspires Laura's jam creations.

"I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for that." - A serious motorcycle accident spurred Laura's community to put on a benefit concert which sparked her to live and act with gratitude.

Connect with Laura

Laura Ann's Jams - https://www.lauraannsjams.com/

Twitter - @LauraAnnsJams

Facebook - @LauraAnnsJams

Instagram - lauraannsjams

Laura Ann Masura

Punk rock drummer turned artisanal jam-making entrepreneur Laura Ann Masura is no stranger to turning lemons into lemonade — or, in this case, oranges into Hollywood Marmalade. Masura’s original flavor combinations are inspired by excursions to local farmers markets and area farms. She takes pride in making her own jams with all fresh (and, whenever available, organic) ingredients, and is continually dreaming up new ways in which to enjoy her jams. It is truly a labor of love that has friends and fans wondering what she will cook up next.

Laura Ann's Jams

Laura Ann’s Jams, divine spread atop a chunk of bread or a biscuit, or accompanying a charcuterie platter, will also add a sweet level of complexity to a variety of dishes both sweet and savory. Not to mention what they can do for a cocktail. These aren’t your average sweet-stuff jams that languish in the back of your fridge. The are elevated, revelatory, embracing herbs and spices that marry with fruit in the most intriguing and delicious ways. 

Mavens Do It Better original theme music composed by Jesse Case with voice over by Julia Francis.